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Jenny K Home Budgie Mug Gets ‘Thumbs-Up’ from Norway Customer

Jenny K Home customer review budgie mug Norway

A customer based in Norway recently purchased a Jenny K Home budgie mug. The mug featured eight cute and playful parakeets, each in different poses on a long perch, much like those you would find in an aviary. The customer was so please with their purchase that they left a lovely recommendation on the Jenny K Home Facebook page:

Jenny K Home customer review Norway budgie mug

I love the fact that my customers are so pleased by what they receive. For me, it’s not just about making pretty budgie mugs, scarves, cushion covers etc… It’s also about the presentation i.e. how my customers receive them. I package all items (with the exception of cards) in a vintage style with brown paper wrapping the cardboard transportation box and a beautiful blue and ivory budgie ribbon to finish. A subtle way of packaging and branding, but I do love it when people a delighted to receive something that I have spent time making and to leave a lovely review which includes the product and some of the packaging!

Looking for a Budgie Mug?

Jenny K Home budgie mugs are available to purchase on Etsy and Amazon, however as I make a limited run of each colour, you need to be quick if you want to purchase your favourite mug! As I create everything from a small home studio (you know, one of those tiny bedrooms that’s really a cupboard!), I don’t have too much room to store items, so if you are looking for something that’s a bit different or can’t see the colour that you like, please let me know and I am more than happy to help. You can contact me via email at or message me through Etsy or Amazon if you prefer.

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